
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21

Why we give.

God is generous and so he calls us to be as well.  What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are at and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.

Ways to Give

Give Online, In Person, Or Mail A Check

You can give online through our app or website, you can give in person we have black offering boxes located in the back of our worship center, as well as in our office, we have offering plates at tables around the worship center on Sunday mornings, or you can mail in a check.

Choose A Fund When You Give Online

When you give online you will have an option to choose which fund your money is allocated to...these funds are:
Harvest  - This is our special yearly offering that goes to a specific need for that year.
Refugee Ministry - GCC helps our refugee families get settled into new lives in the US. We fully support them for 3-6 months as they establish independence. It is an opportunity to disciple them as we live out our faith and show them Christ's love.
One-for-One - This goes to help specific people, families in need
Love Grinnell - This offering goes towards helping with outreach needs in the community and beyond.

Have questions or need help?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.