The Youth

Get to know more about the youth at GCC

Our youth group consists of 6th-12th grade! We love having the opportunity to build relationships with the students in this community and help them grow closer in their relationship with Christ! The reason we call ourselves The Branch is based out of John 15:1-17. We strive to be a youth group full of students that are ABIDING in Him, looking for ways to SERVE others, and are GROWING his Kingdom by being branches that bear fruit! We want you to be a part of what we are doing! Below you will see information about when we meet and more details about each meeting!

Sunday Mornings

This is our Garden room where we meet every Sunday morning from 8:45-9:45am. We catch up with what is going on in each other's lives, usually have a fun question or two to get the morning going, then we dig into God's word! It's a great environment for growing deeper in your relationship with Christ and also in your understanding of His word! 

The Branch

For 6th-12th grade on Wed. 6:30-8:00pm (between the months of Sep.-Apr.) @ The Branch west of town (201 380th St.)

What you can expect when you visit on a typically Wednesday evening...You will come in our front door (it has our logo on it) where you will be greeted by both students and adult leaders! If you have never been there before, ask anyone, and we would love to give you a tour! We typically have snacks or sometimes meals (on certain nights), that you can grab when you get there, and continue to hang out, talk with friends, play some games in the game room, work on a puzzle, play gaga ball, etc.! Then split into our high school and junior high groups in our designated rooms! We will be playing groups games, having a teaching time, breaking into small groups for deeper discussion,  journaling, praying together, etc. 

We want this to be a safe, fun, creative, learning environment, where your kids feel like they can be themselves, where they can grow deeper in their relationship with Christ, where they can find like-minded students to grow in community with, where they have adults leaders that care about them and can be another positive influence to pour into their lives, and where they can have a ton of fun! We hope that you come check it out and can join us for a really great time!